Monday, February 28, 2011

February 2011 - Recap Training

Training - 10 - 355 Km
Best time: 20 Miles @ 20.87 Miles/Hour - 02/27/2011

Squats - 1:48 Hour

Focussing on strength & stretching, my right knee had to take a break from running after the marathon.
Didn't have much time with work either...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

January 2011 - Recap Training

Training - 13 - 355 Km
Best time: 20 Miles @ 18.87 Miles/Hour - 01/29/2011

Training - 3 - 67 Km

Squats - 1:18 Hour

Well... that's not much but I was in recovery post marathon for 3 weeks.

I miss swimming but it's too cold!
Ice on the roof = No swim... :)

Minus 1 Pound... :)