Sunday March
24, 2013
Run: 02:00:00 - 11.3 Miles - 10:37 Min/M
Strength/Core Exercises: 01:00:00
Run: 02:00:00 - 11.3 Miles - 10:37 Min/M
Strength/Core Exercises: 01:00:00
Well, since I chickened out on the Bluebonnet Bike Ride - 75 miles - this morning because of the wind advisory & mostly because of pollen since I have asthma, I had to catch up somewhere... :)
I do not regret it at all, that was not my idea of having fun while exercising! I may be crazy sometimes... like that day I registered for the Ironman TX... but not today!
So while I was waiting for hubby, I went by Starbucks for coffee.
Let's just say I wasn't the only chicken there!
Then I went back to Waller & drove around for about 3 and a half hours, that was a pretty nice morning from the car seat! :)

I stopped several times, visited a Texas Longhorn from close by, never stopped to see one before, couldn't really see him with the sun in my face so I passed the fence... Didn't even worry about him, he looked so peaceful... Oh well, I had my running shoes on after all! lol
Anyway, hubby showed up after 04:41:00, frozen & about to have an asthma attack... He said he married a really smart girl! :)

Monday March 25, 2013
Run: 01:00:00 - 6 Miles - 10.00 Mins/M
My legs felt heavy after the run from yesterday...
Bike: 01:00:00 - 21.16 Miles - 21.16 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00
Tuesday March 26, 2013
Run: 00:59:28 - 6.2 M - 9.35 Mins/M
Bike: 01:00:00 - 20.5 Miles - 20.5 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:45:00
Wednesday March 27, 2013
Bike: 01:30:00 - 30.16 - 20.11 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00
Thursday March 28, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 20.50 Miles - 20.50 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00
Friday March 29, 2013
Feeling under the weather - Soreness & Fever... Mostly spent my time in bed resting...
Saturday March 30, 2013
Still feeling under the weather... Soreness & Fever but no other symptoms... Thought a quiet & fresh swim would help me... I know it may sounds crazy but I really hate feeling like that!
Swim: 01:12:31 - 1.86 Miles (3000 Meters) - 2.25 Mins/100 Meters
Run: 00:30:00 - 3 Miles - 10.00 Mins/M
Strength/Core Exercises: 00:30:00
Went straight to bed after my shower... Rolling eyes...
Swim: - 1.86 Miles - 01:12:31
Bike: 92.32 Miles - 04:30:00
Run: 26.50 Miles - 04:29:28
Strength/Core: 04:45:00
Week: 14:46:59
Today I am back to normal!!! :)
Quelle semaine !! Go go la miss