Sunday March 03, 2013
Run: 00:57:56 - 6.2 Miles - 9.20 Min/M
Was happy with that run, finally getting a little faster... well a 10K under one hour makes me happy @ least! See? I don't ask for much! lol
Bike: 04:45:00 - 93.43 Miles - 19.67 M/H
That bike ride on the home trainer made me having second thoughts on the all thing... :)
Bought the chamois butt'r, it helps a little but really???? How do you bike for that long without being hurt?
I guess now would be a really good time to work on the mental portion of this training...
Monday March 04, 2013
Strength: 00:30:00
Core: 00:45:00
Recovery butt day... :)
Tuesday March 05, 2013
Run: 00:50:00 - 5 Miles - 10.00 Min/M
Strength: 00:15:00
Left work @ 04:30 PM as I should do everyday... yeah right... Then jumped into my running shoes & ran around the lakes before picking up the monkeys.
It was really windy & the pollen from the pine tree started bothering me.
I loved that run, was king of stressed out that hubby left that day to visit his family in Algiers. So lonely without him, so cold in the evening... :)
Bike: 02:23:20 - 50.16 Miles - 21 M/H
I biked late, was waiting for Mathieu to come back for Spring Break from Texas Tech... Well, I felt asleep around midnight & he finally made it by 1:00 AM... Night was short, woke up @ 05:30 AM the next day.
Thursday March 07, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 21.84 Miles - 21.84 M/H
Cardio Cycling - My favorite!
Friday March 08, 2013
Took the day OFF work to drive the bike course... Well, well, well... I might want to review my bike training & add more resistance on my home trainer... the last 40 miles are more hilly than rolling hills... & windy... Ewwww... I have a feeling that is going to be something else to be able to finish that leg of the course...
Saturday March 09, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 19.38 Miles - 19.38 M/H
Easy gearing then increasing the resistance for 20', then going back up to easy gearing...
That was fun!
Strength: 00:15:00
Swim: -
Bike: 184.81 Miles - 09:08:20
Run: 11.20 Miles - 01:47:56
Strength/Core: 01:45:00
Week: 12:41:16
Belle semaine !!! Tu enchaines bien les sorties velo je trouve !