Bike: 05:15:00 - 102.48 Miles - 19.52 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises: 00:30:00
What can I say... That was torture on the home trainer for sure! I cannot stand that thing anymore... I need fresh air, or hot & humid Texas air... I don't care @ this point, I just want to be outside when I am training! :)
Monday March 18, 2013
Strength/Core Exercises: 00:30:00
What can I say... That was torture on the home trainer for sure! I cannot stand that thing anymore... I need fresh air, or hot & humid Texas air... I don't care @ this point, I just want to be outside when I am training! :)
Monday March 18, 2013
Run: 01:00:00 - 6.2 Miles - 10:00 Min/M
I don't think that was a smart decision to go running after the long bike ride of yesterday... but like I said, I needed to get out! Well, the allergy season is here... thanks to the yellow pollen from the pine tree all around the subdivision... Would you just stop complaining lady now that you are outside??? lol
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00
Tuesday March 19, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 19.76 Miles - 19.76 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00
Yeah yeah yeah... back on the home trainer...
Wednesday March 20, 2013
Took the day Off work for Remi's kindergarten registration...
Went to the school @ 09:00 AM sharp... 50 people in front of me... Went back home & decided to go for my long run around the lakes...
Run: 01:50:00 - 10.5 Miles - 10.29 Mins/M
Strength/Core Exercises: 00:30:00
Thursday March 21, 2013
Worked late @ the office, decided to take the day OFF training
Friday March 22, 2013
Bike: 00:25:00 - 8.15 Miles - 19.44 M/H
Got a flat tire again... Maybe it was a sign I needed to stop training on that thing! ;)
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00
Concentration on knee stretching... Yep my right knee didn't like the long run so much... I didn't stretch enough either lately... rolling eyes...
Saturday March 23, 2013
Swim: 01:35:14 - 2.4 Miles - 2.28 Mins/100 Meters
When hubby came back from the pool, he said it was really nice outside & that I should go...
I wasn't really into the swimming mood at this point, spent my morning doing groceries shopping with my 2 monkeys & cooking a real dinner... I just wanted to rest...
Oh well, having hubby's word in my mind & waiting for my cake to bake... I thought that maybe it would be good for relaxation... Then I went & prepared my bag...
As I entered the water, which was clear & perfect temperature, I decided to go for the distance... Yep... that's just me! I wanted to go back into my comfort zone, realizing I can swim that long without being tired... Well, that worked!
The pool was really quiet, that was pure happiness! Thank you hubby for pushing me a little bit on that one instead of watching a movie! :)
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00
I don't think that was a smart decision to go running after the long bike ride of yesterday... but like I said, I needed to get out! Well, the allergy season is here... thanks to the yellow pollen from the pine tree all around the subdivision... Would you just stop complaining lady now that you are outside??? lol
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00
Tuesday March 19, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 19.76 Miles - 19.76 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00
Yeah yeah yeah... back on the home trainer...
Wednesday March 20, 2013
Took the day Off work for Remi's kindergarten registration...
Went to the school @ 09:00 AM sharp... 50 people in front of me... Went back home & decided to go for my long run around the lakes...
Run: 01:50:00 - 10.5 Miles - 10.29 Mins/M
Strength/Core Exercises: 00:30:00
Thursday March 21, 2013
Worked late @ the office, decided to take the day OFF training
Friday March 22, 2013
Bike: 00:25:00 - 8.15 Miles - 19.44 M/H
Got a flat tire again... Maybe it was a sign I needed to stop training on that thing! ;)
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00
Concentration on knee stretching... Yep my right knee didn't like the long run so much... I didn't stretch enough either lately... rolling eyes...
Swim: 01:35:14 - 2.4 Miles - 2.28 Mins/100 Meters
When hubby came back from the pool, he said it was really nice outside & that I should go...
I wasn't really into the swimming mood at this point, spent my morning doing groceries shopping with my 2 monkeys & cooking a real dinner... I just wanted to rest...
As I entered the water, which was clear & perfect temperature, I decided to go for the distance... Yep... that's just me! I wanted to go back into my comfort zone, realizing I can swim that long without being tired... Well, that worked!
The pool was really quiet, that was pure happiness! Thank you hubby for pushing me a little bit on that one instead of watching a movie! :)
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00
Swim: - 2.4 Miles - 01:35:14
Bike: 130.39 Miles - 06:40:00
Run: 16.50 Miles - 02:50:00
Strength/Core: 03:30:00
Week: 14:35:14

Week: 14:35:14
Go go la miss :o) Je suis tout avec toi !!