Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ironman TX - Week 12 - Training - 14:46:59

Sunday March 24, 2013
Run: 02:00:00 - 11.3 Miles - 10:37 Min/M
Strength/Core Exercises: 01:00:00
Well, since I chickened out on the Bluebonnet Bike Ride - 75 miles - this morning because of the wind advisory & mostly because of pollen since I have asthma, I had to catch up somewhere... :)
I do not regret it at all, that was not my idea of having fun while exercising! I may be crazy sometimes... like that day I registered for the Ironman TX... but not today!


So while I was waiting for hubby, I went by Starbucks for coffee.
Let's just say I wasn't the only chicken there!
Then I went back to Waller & drove around for about 3 and a half hours, that was a pretty nice morning from the car seat! :)

I stopped several times, visited a Texas Longhorn from close by, never stopped to see one before, couldn't really see him with the sun in my face so I passed the fence... Didn't even worry about him, he looked so peaceful... Oh well, I had my running shoes on after all! lol
Anyway, hubby showed up after 04:41:00, frozen & about to have an asthma attack... He said he married a really smart girl! :)

Monday March 25, 2013
Run: 01:00:00 - 6 Miles - 10.00 Mins/M
My legs felt heavy after the run from yesterday...
Bike: 01:00:00 - 21.16 Miles - 21.16 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00

Tuesday March 26, 2013
Run: 00:59:28 - 6.2 M - 9.35 Mins/M
Bike: 01:00:00 - 20.5 Miles - 20.5 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:45:00

Wednesday March 27, 2013
Bike: 01:30:00 - 30.16 - 20.11 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00

Thursday March 28, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 20.50 Miles - 20.50 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00

Friday March 29, 2013
Feeling under the weather - Soreness & Fever... Mostly spent my time in bed resting...

Saturday March 30, 2013
Still feeling under the weather... Soreness & Fever but no other symptoms... Thought a quiet & fresh swim would help me... I know it may sounds crazy but I really hate feeling like that!
Swim: 01:12:31 - 1.86 Miles (3000 Meters) - 2.25 Mins/100 Meters
Run: 00:30:00 - 3 Miles - 10.00 Mins/M
Strength/Core Exercises: 00:30:00
Went straight to bed after my shower... Rolling eyes...

Swim: - 1.86 Miles - 01:12:31
Bike: 92.32 Miles - 04:30:00
Run: 26.50 Miles - 04:29:28
Strength/Core: 04:45:00
Week: 14:46:59

Today I am back to normal!!! :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ironman TX - Week 11 - Training - 14:35:14

Sunday March 17, 2013
Bike: 05:15:00 - 102.48 Miles - 19.52 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises: 00:30:00
What can I say... That was torture on the home trainer for sure! I cannot stand that thing anymore... I need fresh air, or hot & humid Texas air... I don't care @ this point, I just want to be outside when I am training! :)

Monday March 18, 2013
Run: 01:00:00 - 6.2 Miles - 10:00 Min/M
I don't think that was a smart decision to go running after the long bike ride of yesterday... but like I said, I needed to get out! Well, the allergy season is here... thanks to the yellow pollen from the pine tree all around the subdivision... Would you just stop complaining lady now that you are outside??? lol 
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00

Tuesday March 19, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 19.76 Miles - 19.76 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00
Yeah yeah yeah... back on the home trainer...

Wednesday March 20, 2013
Took the day Off work for Remi's kindergarten registration...
Went to the school @ 09:00 AM sharp... 50 people in front of me... Went back home & decided to go for my long run around the lakes...
Run: 01:50:00 - 10.5 Miles - 10.29 Mins/M
Strength/Core Exercises: 00:30:00

Thursday March 21, 2013
Worked late @ the office, decided to take the day OFF training

Friday March 22, 2013
Bike: 00:25:00 - 8.15 Miles - 19.44 M/H
Got a flat tire again... Maybe it was a sign I needed to stop training on that thing! ;)
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00
Concentration on knee stretching... Yep my right knee didn't like the long run so much... I didn't stretch enough either lately... rolling eyes...

Saturday March 23, 2013
Swim: 01:35:14 - 2.4 Miles - 2.28 Mins/100 Meters
When hubby came back from the pool, he said it was really nice outside & that I should go...
I wasn't really into the swimming mood at this point, spent my morning doing groceries shopping with my 2 monkeys & cooking a real dinner... I just wanted to rest...

Oh well, having hubby's word in my mind & waiting for my cake to bake... I thought that maybe it would be good for relaxation... Then I went & prepared my bag...
As I entered the water, which was clear & perfect temperature, I decided to go for the distance... Yep... that's just me! I wanted to go back into my comfort zone, realizing I can swim that long without being tired... Well, that worked!
The pool was really quiet, that was pure happiness! Thank you hubby for pushing me a little bit on that one instead of watching a movie! :)
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00

Swim: - 2.4 Miles - 01:35:14
Bike: 130.39 Miles - 06:40:00
Run: 16.50 Miles - 02:50:00
Strength/Core: 03:30:00
Week: 14:35:14

Ironman TX - Week 10 - Training - 13:11:12

Sunday March 10, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 19.24 Miles - 19.24 M/H
Bike 10 Minutes / Jump Rope 10 Minutes... - 01:10:00 - 12.80 Miles
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00

Monday March 11, 2013
Run: 00:57:24 - 6.2 Miles - 09:16 Min/M
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00
Thank you to Mathieu, my favorite babysitter, who was here for Spring Break!!! He made it possible for me to go run in the evening... :)

Tuesday March 12, 2013
Bike: 02:00:00 - 38.5 Miles - 19.25 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00
I biked really late, was waiting for hubby to get back home from his trip... But he got delayed because of the snow in Paris so he spent the night in Atlanta... Bouhouuuuu 14 years anniversary!!!

Wednesday March 13, 2013
Strength/Core Exercises - 01:00:00
We went out for dinner at our favorite restaurant... I managed to do some strength exercises during the day...

Thursday March 14, 2013
Swim: 00:48:48 - 2000 Meters - 2:26 Mins/100 Meters
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:45:00

Friday March 15, 2013

Saturday March 16, 2013
Bike: 02:00:00 - 39.60 Miles - 19.80 M/H
Strength/Core Exercises - 00:30:00

Swim: - 2000 Meters - 00:48:48
Bike: 110.14 Miles - 05:40:00
Run: 6.20 Miles - 00:57:24
Strength/Core: 05:15:00
Jump Rope: 00:30:00
Week: 13:11:12

My hubby is back from his trip, next week is going to be a little bit easier!!! :)

We are in this craziness together! lol

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ironman TX - Week 9 - Training - 12:41:16

Sunday March 03, 2013
Run: 00:57:56 - 6.2 Miles - 9.20 Min/M
Was happy with that run, finally getting a little faster... well a 10K under one hour makes me happy @ least! See? I don't ask for much! lol
Bike: 04:45:00 - 93.43 Miles - 19.67 M/H
That bike ride on the home trainer made me having second thoughts on the all thing... :)
Bought the chamois butt'r, it helps a little but really???? How do you bike for that long without being hurt?  
I guess now would be a really good time to work on the mental portion of this training...
Monday March 04, 2013
Strength: 00:30:00
Core: 00:45:00
Recovery butt day... :)

Tuesday March 05, 2013
Run: 00:50:00 - 5 Miles - 10.00 Min/M
Strength: 00:15:00
Left work @ 04:30 PM as I should do everyday... yeah right... Then jumped into my running shoes & ran around the lakes before picking up the monkeys.
It was really windy & the pollen from the pine tree started bothering me.
I loved that run, was king of stressed out that hubby left that day to visit his family in Algiers. So lonely without him, so cold in the evening... :)
Wednesday March 06, 2013
Bike: 02:23:20 - 50.16 Miles - 21 M/H
I biked late, was waiting for Mathieu to come back for Spring Break from Texas Tech... Well, I felt asleep around midnight & he finally made it by 1:00 AM... Night was short, woke up @ 05:30 AM the next day.
Thursday March 07, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 21.84 Miles - 21.84 M/H
Cardio Cycling - My favorite!
Friday March 08, 2013
Took the day OFF work to drive the bike course... Well, well, well... I might want to review my bike training & add more resistance on my home trainer... the last 40 miles are more hilly than rolling hills... & windy... Ewwww... I have a feeling that is going to be something else to be able to finish that leg of the course...
Saturday March 09, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 19.38 Miles - 19.38 M/H
Easy gearing then increasing the resistance for 20', then going back up to easy gearing...
That was fun!
Strength: 00:15:00
Swim: -
Bike: 184.81 Miles - 09:08:20
Run: 11.20 Miles - 01:47:56
Strength/Core: 01:45:00
Week: 12:41:16

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ironman TX - Week 8 - Training - 10:41:18

Sunday February 24, 2013
Bike: 04:03:30 - 80 M - 19.71 M/H

Never biked that long before... burns on my butt... Wondering how in the world I will bike for 112 miles @ this point...

Monday February 25, 2013

Swim: 00:29:19 - 1250 Meters - 2.21 Mins/100 Meters Water was @ 70 degree, I couldn't stand it for more than 30 minutes... At least it cooled off my burns for the bike ride the day before! lol
Strength: 00:30:00

Tuesday February 26, 2013

Swim: 00:38:29 - 1609 Meters - 02:23 Mins/100 Meters
Water @ 72 degree, sitting down & looking at my feet touching the water... thinking I didn't go through the trouble of coming to the fitness center @ lunch just to quit... But really???... I was wondering why I was swimming... I do not like the cold!

Bike: 01:00:00 - 21.75 M - 21.75 M/H
Cardio Cycling, My favorite! Made me love my bike again... :)

Wednesday February 27, 2013
Run: 02:00:00 - 11.40 - 10.32/M
I actually enjoyed this run. A month ago, I would have look @ these 2 hours as torture... :)

Thursday February 28, 2013
I worked from 07:15 AM to 01:15 AM - Financial year end is not a good fit at all for Ironman Training... No comment...

Friday March 01, 2013
Strength: 00:30:00
Didn't sleep enough the night before, hubby decided for us to go out on a date & have steak instead of waking up early to run The Woodlands Half-Marathon the next day in the cold...
That was a REALLY good idea! :)

Saturday March 02, 2013
Slept until 11:30 AM...
Bike: 01:00:00 - 20.68 M - 20.68 M/H
Strength: 00:30:00

Swim: 2859 Meters / 01:07:48
Bike: 122.43 M / 06:03:30
Run: 11.40 M / 02:00:00
Strength: 01:30:00
Week: 10:41:18

Received my new watch (hubby's gift), it looks pretty cool.

Well, this week I really struggled with work & training... Nutrition wise, I don't think I am eating enough... Need to work on that & my hours of sleep as well...
I feel good so far, just wondering about that bike leg, seems really long... :)

We'll see how I will tackle next week as hubby is leaving for 10 days to go overseas... Hope I won't be overwhelmed like this swim start @ the Ironman TX last year! lol

To be continued...

Ironman TX - Week 7 - Training - 09:53:13

Sunday February 17, 2013
Run: 02:19:55 - 13.1  M - 10:41/M
Half-Marathon - Austin, TX

Monday February 18, 2013

Bike: 01:00:00 - 20.41 M - 20.41 M/H
Strength: 00:40:00

Tuesday February 19, 2013

Run: 00:29:18 - 3.2 M - 09:09/M
Swim: 00:44:00 - 1800 Meters - 02:26 Mins/100 Meters

Wednesday February 20, 2013
Bike: 00:45:00 - 11.25 M
Hills Training - 15:00 M/H

Thursday February 21, 2013
Bike: 02:00:00 - 40.40 M - 20.20 M/H

Friday February  22, 2013
Strength: 00:40:00

Saturday February 23 2013
Bike: 01:45:00 - 33.27 M - 19.01 M/H

Swim: - 1800 Meters / 00:44:00
Bike: 105.33 M /  05:30:00
Run: 16.30 M / 02:49:13
Strength: 01:20:00
Week -  09:53:13

Ironman TX - Week 5 - Training - 05:18:03

Sunday February 03, 2013
Run: 01:01:03 - 6.3 M - 09:51/M

Monday February 04, 2013

Bike: 01:00:00 - 20.65 M - 20.65 M/H

Tuesday February 05, 2013

Run: 00:44:00 - 4.2 M - 10:14/M
Strength: 00:30:00

Wednesday February 06, 2013
Run: 00:33:00 - 3.2 M - 10:19/M
Strength: 00:30:00

Thursday February 07, 2013
Bike: 01:00:00 - 21.11 M - 21.11 M/H
Cardio Cycling

Friday February 08, 2013

Saturday February 09, 2013

Swim: -
Bike: 41.76 M / 02:00:00
Run: 13.80 M / 02:18:03
Strength: 01:00:00
Week - 05:18:03

Ironman TX - Week 6 - Training - 06:12:33

Sunday February 10, 2013
Run: 02:27:12 - 13.1  M - 11:14/M

Monday February 11, 2013

Bike: 01:00:00 -  19.41 M - 19.41 M/H
Strength: 00:15:00

Tuesday February 12, 2013

Bike: 02:00:00 - 39.76 M - 19.88/M

Wednesday February 13, 2013
Run: 00:30:21 - 3.2 M - 09:29/M

Thursday February 14, 2013

Friday February  15, 2013

Saturday February 16, 2013

Swim: -
Bike: 59.17 M / 03:00:00
Run: 16:30 M / 02:57:33
Strength: 00:15:00
Week - 06:12:33