1500 M Swim - 40 K Bike - 10 k Run
Let's just say under 03:30:00 I'll be happy! :)
It doesn't matter anyway, I'm not in for the timing.
This morning I went with my monkeys to pick up my packet/bib at the expo.
I bought a new handle tape gel... so girly! :) At least I will be able to find my bike easier at the transition area!
I changed it so many times when I was young & it's so easy on tri bike.
But here are some tips for newbie.
Tomorrow should be sunny - 22 to 34 degres Celsius from 5:00 AM to 1:00 PM - a little windy (hopefully not too bad... considering it's a 26 miles ride on the bike...).
So I decided to wear my swimsuit, then my cycling short... then switch from cycling short to running skirt. No socks. I will have a tee-shirt ready on top of my cycling shoes just in case I'm cold getting out of the water... to be continued! :)
Check List
Tri bag
Timing chip strap
Tri watch
Swim cap
Swim goggles
Cycling helmet
Cycling shoes
Cycling short
Running shoes
Running skirt - bib is on it
Running visor - My old one that I cannot get rid of for some reason. :)
2 packs of organic energy chews - Honey Stinger
1 bottle of water
1 bottle of Gatorade
Bunny is fixing & trying the bike rack on his car... & we will be almost ready to go!
Then a big thank you to Mathieu who changed his working hours to take care of the monkeys in the morning. :)
Ok so this week was pretty bad when it comes to find time to train... But anyway, I tried to do a little still...
I really enjoy the training at the pool, it is so peaceful & quiet in the evening.
I always swim 100 m on back stroke before it's time to leave, looking at the stars... :)
Monday September 12, 2011
Run: 1:00:00
Stretching: 00:10:00
Tuesday September 13, 2011
Wednesday September 14, 2011
Thrusday September 15, 2011
Run: 00:18:38 - From home to the pool...
Swim: 1 x 1000 m
7 x 100 m
Friday September 16, 2011
Saturday September 17, 2011
Bike: 1:06:00 - 20 miles - 18.18 mi/ho
Sunday September 18, 2011
Bike: 1:23:26 - 26 miles - 18.7 mi/ho
Run: 1:10:10 - 6.3 miles
Streching: 00:10:00
In theory I should increase the hours of training per week but in reality there is no way I can possibly do it... Well... @ least I am training a little! :)
Monday September 5, 2011
6:00 PM - Bike: 01:07:00 - 20 miles - 17.71 mi/hr
Stretching - 10:00
Tuesday September 6, 2011
8:30 PM - Swim: 2000m - 47:21
Wednesday September 7, 2011
Thrusday September 8, 2011
8:30 PM - Swim: 1000m - 23:32
Friday September 9, 2011
12:30 PM - Bike: 30:40 - 10 miles - 19.57 mi/hr
Saturday September 10, 2011
9:00 PM - Swim: 500 m - 11:58
Kicking drills: 200 m
100 m - 2:12
Kicking drills: 200 m
Abs - 5 x 10
Arms - 5 x 10
Sunday September 11, 2011
Bike - 1:03:30 - 20 miles - 18.90 mi/hr
Abs - 5 x 10
Arms - 10 x 10
This week I was suppose to increase hours with a key session on Sunday as race prep. Since we are not working tomorrow - Labor Day - I switched with today. :)
Hamstring seems to be ok, not completly back to normal yet but ok...
Back to the pool, feels so good in the evening!
Le pied quoi!!! :)
Monday August 29, 2011
Evening meeting @ Work - Run cancelled
Tuesday August 30, 2011
7:30 PM - Bike: 45 minutes - 14.3 miles / 30.8 km/h
Abs: 3 x 10
Arms: 5 x 10
Wednesday August 31, 2011
7:00 PM - Bike: 60 minutes - 18.6 miles / 30 km/h
9:00 PM - Swim: 500 m - 11:47
Kicking drills: 300 m
Thursday September 1, 2011
I was suppose to Run 30 minutes but came back home late from work.
9:10 PM - Swim: 500 m - 10:32
Swim: 100 m - 2:15 - Easy
Swim: 100 m - 2:16 - Easy
Swim: 100 m - 2:15 - Easy
Swim: 100 m - 2:17 - Easy
Swim: 100 m - 2:14 - Easy
Friday September 2, 2011
Saturday September 3, 2011
7:00 PM - Run: 50 minutes - Easy
Stretching: 10 minutes
Sunday September 4, 2011
4:30 PM - Bike: 40 minutes - 12.5 miles - 30.18 km/h
Stretching: 10 minutes
Abs: 5 x 10
Arms: 5 x 10