Monday, July 28, 2014

Austin 70.3 - Training Week 2

Second week of training... I'm slowing getting used to be back in training... I really enjoy the swim & bike workouts, especially the intervals. The run workouts are a disaster having to deal with asthma & heat & humidity... Let's just say that I hope by barely making it... it will make me stronger for the fall...
I'm ready to move to a snow resort at the moment! :)

Saturday I received an email from XTERRA that I was invited to the USA Championship  - Third in  my AG in the South Central Region - Hilarious! Pretty cool way still to end my first season! And it was out of 13 crazy ladies... not only 3 ok? I just wanted to add this comment for my oldest son in case he's reading... so we're clear, I wasn't last for once! lol

You bet when I'll try to qualify next year I won't even make it! That makes it fun to try again, focusing on trails starting this winter (really lady, winter in Houston?) as it is way harder than riding or running on concrete...

Sounded like fun to try, I kind of wish I was going just for the fun of it... I've never been to Utah & I love to travel, especially to the mountains in the fall, must be really pretty! I just need to stop looking @ the results from last year because I'd kill it on the swim in my AG, yep even swimming breaststroke!!! I won't speak about the bike & run through... No comment!!! lol
Swim2:08 / 2:15
Bike3:15 / 3:15
Run2:59 / 2:59
Total8:22 / 8:29
Swim Long (PM) - Time (0:49)

Planned - (0:51 / 2050)
 WU: 1x400   warmup

 Repeat 3 times
    1x400   RI: 30" strong (8:28 - 8:36) [2:07 - 2:09]
    1x50   RI: 30" easy (1:15 - 1:18) [2:30 - 2:35]

 2x100   RI: 15" 50 kick fast / 50 easy swim

 WD: 1x100   easy
Actual - (0:49 / 2050)
 WU: 1x400

 1x400   RI: 30" {08:27}
 1x50   RI: 30" {01:05}
 1x400   RI: 30" {08:35}
 1x50   RI: 30" {01:03}
 1x400   RI: 30" {08:32}
 1x50   RI: 30" {01:05}
 2x100   RI: 15" {02:01,02:02}

 WD: 1x100
Bike Interval (PM) - Time (0:33)

Planned - (0:33 / 16)

 WU: 1x5' warmup

  Zone 2 (123 - 126 bpm)
 Repeat 2 times
    1x6' RI: 2' Zone 3+ (140 - 141 bpm)
    1x4' RI: 2' Zone 4 (143 - 146 bpm)
 Actual - (0:33 / 16)
 WU: 1x5'

 1x6' Zone 3+ RI: 2' {138}
 1x4' Zone 4 RI: 2' {145}
 1x6' Zone 3+ RI: 2' {138}
 1x4' Zone 4 RI: 2' {145}

  On the trainer.
Run Test (AM) - Time (0:59)

Planned - (0:59 / 48)

 WU: 1x5' easy
 WU: 1x5' 30" pickups / 30" easy
 WU: 1x5' moderate

Run Test Set
Choose a course with no stops and flat. This is meant to be done in the same conditions you normally run in. If you run outside in the heat then test outside in the heat. Goal is to hold effort even for all 3 miles. It's better to start off too slow and build the run rather than start to hard and slow down. Wear your HR monitor if available and know your time!
 3x1600   RI: 1'

 WD: 1x10' easy

Actual - (0:59 / 62)

 WU: 1x15'

 3x1600   RI: 2' {09:24,09:10,09:02}

 WD: 1x10'

  I survived! Not as fast as I had in
  mind but that's all I had in me this
  evening... :/
  Around 170/176 bpm after each mile
Swim Interval (PM) - Time (0:39)

Planned - (0:43 / 1550)
 WU: 1x400   warmup

 Repeat 7 times
    1x50   RI: 20" easy (1:15 - 1:18) [2:30 - 2:35]
    2x50   RI: 20" strong (0:59 - 1:01) [1:57 - 2:02]

 WD: 1x100   easy
Actual - (0:39 / 1550)
 WU: 1x400

 1x50   RI: 20" {00:56}
 2x50   RI: 20" {00:54,00:54}
 1x50   RI: 20" {01:00}
 2x50   RI: 20" {00:55,00:55}
 1x50   RI: 20" {01:00}
 2x50   RI: 20" {00:55,00:56}
 1x50   RI: 20" {01:01}
 2x50   RI: 20" {00:56,00:54}
 1x50   RI: 20" {01:00}
 2x50   RI: 20" {00:53,00:53}
 1x50   RI: 20" {01:01}
 2x50   RI: 20" {00:52,00:53}
 1x50   RI: 20" {01:00}
 2x50   RI: 20" {00:54,00:53}

 WD: 1x100
Bike Threshold (PM) - Time (0:47)

Planned - (0:47 / 22)

 WU: 1x10' warmup

 4x6' RI: 2' Zone 3+ (140 - 141 bpm)

 WD: 1x5'
Actual - (0:47 / 22)
 WU: 1x10'

 4x6' Zone 3+ RI: 2' {141,141,141,141}

 WD: 1x5'

  On the trainer
  17.5 mph WU - WD
  19.5 mph 4x6' - 17.5 mph 4x2' rest
Run Threshold (AM) - Time (0:40)

Planned - (0:40 / 25)

 WU: 1x5' warmup

  Rest interval pace endurance (10:12 - 10:31)
 1x8' RI: 4' steady (9:32 - 9:56)
 1x6' RI: 3' steady (9:32 - 9:56)
 1x4' RI: 2' steady (9:32 - 9:56)
 1x2' RI: 1' steady (9:32 - 9:56)

 WD: 1x5' wd

Actual - (0:40 / 26)

 WU: 1x5'

 1x8' RI: 4' {09:32}
 1x6' RI: 3' {09:42}
 1x4' RI: 2' {09:48}
 1x2' RI: 1' {08:50}

 WD: 1x5'

  WU - WD around 10:30/mi
  Rest 4' @ 9:45/mi
  Rest 3' @ 10:03/mi
  Rest 2' @ 10:34/mi
  Rest 1' @ 9:15/mi
  Water - salt tablet - I don't know
  why I always feel better after about
  20/25 minutes running...
Swim Threshold (PM) - Time (0:40)

Planned - (0:41 / 1700)
 WU: 1x400   warmup

 Repeat 2 times
    2x200   RI: 20" paddles strong (4:06 - 4:12) [2:03 - 2:06]
    1x100   RI: 20" paddles easy (2:30 - 2:35)

 1x200   strong (4:06 - 4:12) [2:03 - 2:06]

 WD: 1x100   easy
Actual - (0:40 / 1700)

 WU: 1x400

 2x200   RI: 20" {04:07,04:07}
 1x100   RI: 20" {02:09}
 2x200   RI: 20" {04:07,04:09}
 1x100   RI: 20" {02:10}
 1x200   {04:05}

 WD: 1x100

 went 1 hour after the run - Let's just
 say I'm glad tomorrow is rest day! :)



Bike Long (MID) - Time (1:55)

Planned - (1:55 / 73)

 1 hr 55 mins Zone 3+ (140 - 141 bpm)
 Actual - (1:55 / 73)
 1 hr 55 mins Zone 3+ {135}

Run Long (AM) - Time (1:20)

Planned - (1:20 / 62)

 1 hr 20 mins endurance (10:12 - 10:31)  
 Actual - (1:20 / 62)
 1 hr 20 mins {10:27}

 Miserable run in the sun!

 Glad it's over! Lol
 148 bpm

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