When hubby registered again for the 2014 IMTX at the end of last year, I almost hit the button too... then paused for a few days & just couldn't do it one more time. I survived it, no need to attempt it again. I am done with full IM.
I like sports & exercises but I need to have fun doing it, I can't say IM was just all fun...
Anyway, back to short distance & fun stuff this year! :)
2014 Bucket List: 13 Half-Marathon & trying out the off-road triathlon world (I'm tired of concrete long rides, would like to feel closer to nature...)
I don't know how but I came up with the challenge of running 13 half-marathon in a year. Seems like a pretty reasonable goal comparing to an Ironman! At first I thought one each month but finding races in the summer can be a real challenge when living in Houston, TX! So then after talking with hubby in the middle of the night, I switched to 13 like the number of miles in a half & it wouldn't matter which month... Why not? lol

Finishing Time - 02:21:50
My goal was 02:25:00. Is that really a goal or what? lol
I didn't train for that first one as I got lazy over the winter break... To be honest I got lazy after the IMTX last year... And that was in May! lol
I took it as a training session, loved the new route! I tried on my new running shoes, these are the best, not only because they are flashy & cute & matching my favorite outfit! :)

Timing is not an issue yet... let's talk about it in September, I might have changed my mind then! :)
Hubby offered to be my coach yesterday evening... See, I'm set for a PR by the end of the year! I just can't do it for fun, what is wrong with me & numbers? Is that because I'm in Finance? lol
Sandy, my ex co-worker & friend who ran her first half-marathon.
She texted me this morning: "When are we doing it again?" :)
February - 9 / Rhythm & Blues Half-Marathon / Houston, TX
March - 1 / The Woodlands Half-Marathon / The Woodlands, TX
April - 6 / Angie's Crazy Half-Marathon / Houston, TX
May - 3 / Biggest Loser Half-Marathon / Beaumont, TX
July - 12 / XTERRA Magnolia Hill Trail Runs 2014 21 K / Navasota, TX
September - 21 / 4th Annual Plano Balloon Festival Half Marathon / Plano, TX
To be continued...
September - 21 / 4th Annual Plano Balloon Festival Half Marathon / Plano, TX
To be continued...
nice tatoo!