Having 6 days of training a week require lot's of gear... I cannot wash them every night & use them again the next day because the monkeys are sleeping when I'm done training... & the last thing I want is to wake them up with the washing machine! :)
So I've been training with old tee-shirts & 2 long pants & my pyjamas sweat pants... but I really needed to invest! Good thing my bunny offered to pay for all the gear I need, these stuff gets expensive. Love you Bunny! :)
I have the main gear on the running part under control... THE shoes... & I love them! They are so light, easy to run without socks - tried running a 10K & they were still really comfortable. Don't know yet if I can run a half-marathon... but that's ok, I'll wear socks in that case.
Best shoes ever! :) I may need a second pair for training after the summer... :( I already know I will stick with this brand - Zoot.

I found a running skirt last week-end. It's really nice for training especially by 96 degres. Last time I went to Memorial park, I was the only one in running pant... I was dying with the heat! :)
The short is short & I'm not so sure it will be confortable for long run... Really cute, just need to work on my abs a little more! :) I wear it with 2 racerback tank on top of each other. I know I'm not suppose to wear 100% cotton but that's fine for training & cheaper than the running top.
Then I found the biking short online, matching the shoes. :) It is suppose to be confortable for long bike. I like the way it's long. Didn't receive it yet... but cannot wait to try it on! That will be the gear for the race! I still have my old ones for training @ home, hidden in the fitness room because... I had 2 babies since I bought them... so they are a little tight! I wouldn't go out with them, never know about the sewing part holding or not! :)
Then the biking shoes, I love them! Had them for 4 years & counting...
To be continued...
S'entrainer pour un goal pareil mérite un bon matériel, c'est clair! Et le fait de s'acheter - de temps en temps - du matos qui plaît en plus d'être confortable et de bonne qualité est aussi une façon de s'encourager, non?